Elin Már Øyen Vister



7th of December: Process presentation of the experimental music teathre in the making, “Vedøya – Klagesanger til fuglefjellet som stilna”, Yamahabygget, Bodø2024, Bodø/Bådåddjo/Buvvda Sábme/NO. Feat. Elin Már Øyen Vister, Guri Simone Øveraas, Harald Bredholdt Ingvild Austgulen Jostein Stalheim, Marius Kolbenstvedt, Milla Wexels Riser, Mikke Rønneberg, Ola Høyer and Anne Cecilie Pederesen.



12.10: DJ Sunshine Dj-ing at Sápmi Pride, Bodø/Bådåddjo/Buvvda


27.–28. mai 2024, Cafeteatret, Oslo (NO) Symposium: Overføring av det usynlige: Urbefolkningsperspektiver på bevaring av minner og samtidskultur”. Elin Már contributes with a presentation/ comment on how to work in a land/site you do not have a cultural belonging to.


18–20th of May: Várjjat – where the land and ocean speak …

Interdisciplinary workshops in Sápmi 18–20th of May in Biergi/Kiber/ Kiiperi.The workshop invites the participants to be guests in Várjjat/Varanger, Sea Sámi land – listening, sensing, being in the spring, which is the beginning of the year in Sámi tradition, at Biergi/Kiberg/ Kiiperi (Norwegian Sápmi) with interdisciplinary artist Elin Már Øyen Vister and choreographer/performer Katarina Skår Lisa, hosted by Trond Henriksen (Cape East Arctic Adventure).


7th of May: Opening of the Bodø/Bådåddjo Commune initiated project FlyFugl/Girddelådde, Elin Már with collaborators Andrine Sæther and more has created “Hierggenjárgga/Härrgenjárrga substas – Hernes forteller”a sound work in 2 chapters /outdoors sound installation at Jektefartsmuséet (Bodø/Bådåddjo, No/Sábme) and a series of posters presented at busstops around the city.



Jiennagoahti – Listening to the Fosen/ Fovsen case – ČSV,

20.3.2024 at Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen/Birgon (NO/Sábme). Katarina Dorothea Isaksen (Sápmi) and Elin Már Øyen Vister (NO) with guest Tuula Sharma Vassvik (Sápmi) + Film screening: Mihkkal Hætta (Sápmi) – Whispers of Reindeer Milk (2023) 18 min, and artist talk. (Earthworks program)




20.9-30.11: Mycelium of Sound! by Kinokophone featuring the field recording “The Lost Kittiwakes of Vishellern cave, Vedøya”, “This is not a drill” exhibition, New York University Libraries, Tisch School of the Arts, NYC/Lenape Hoking, US/Turtle Island


29.9 Creative climatejustice guide seminar and launcg and Klimfæst, Rosendal teater, Trondheim/Tråante, NO/Saepmie Download the guide here.


18-22.9, Coast Contemporary ‘Ocean Eyes’, curated by Valentinas Klimašauskas (LT), Svolvær, Lofuohta/Lofoten, NO/Sábme. Elin Már in collaboration with Lina Sjølie, Máret Ravdna Buljo, and Torgeir Nordkild presents “Listening in the footsteps of Ane Truls, is a sensory walk-through land`n`sea scape and amongst the rich cultural heritage sites of Storvågån/Váhki, in Gábelváhke/ Gávvalváhki.


Les Woods, More than Human Curiosity symposium 28th-30th of July, Orliche Hory mountains, CZ. A site-specific sensory walk and a listening concert version of the work “Vedøya-Lament to the bird mountain who lost its voice”. The After Memory program was curated by Katrine Elise Aspalga Pedersen Tereza Porybna.


1.7. Henningsvær Pride, Trevarefabrikken, Henningsvær, Lofoten/Lofuohtta, NO/SábmeElin Már and Guri Simone Øveraas holds a queer sauna session and present the plant colored rainbow flag + DJ Sunshine.


I am honored to be part of the e-flux project You Can’t Trust Musiccurated by Xenia Benivolski with a presentation of the Soundscape Røst birthed work “Vedøya-Lament to the bird-mountain who lost its voice (“. The artists who contributed to the 4th and final chapter of YCTM “examine the sonic response-ability of the world that struggles to free itself of humanity. Starting with memories and dreams intercepted by sound in film and moving towards the felt effects of climate change and extinction, the chapter holds space for an empathic future where human-centered civilities become holistic code. This chapter is co-presented with Infrasonica and with Kunsthall Trondheim.” 

Take a listen here



Saturday 4th of March – Kunsthall Trondheim, 7 pm: Screening of “Women Shamans: The ancients” (2013) by historian Max Dashu.

In “Woman Shaman” Dashu’s archaeological investigations relating to female shamans are presented, revealing an unimaginably rich past.
After the screening, you can join a conversation between Max Dashu and artist Elin Már Vister Øyen. The public program is part of the exhibition “Kunna Guanna Concha. You can read about the film here.

5th of March – Kunsthall Trondheim,  2-5pm, the premiere of the live musical performance version of “Plantsongs/Sjædtoej Laavloeh/Plantesanger” with Elin Már Øyen Vister, Heiða Karine Jóhannesdóttir Mobeck, Natali Abrahamsen Garner and guests. For all ages.


8.12.2022- 12.3.2023: Kunna Guanna Concha, Elin Már Øyen Vister /Sissel M.Bergh / Carolina Caycedo at Kunsthall Trondheim (Trondheim/Tråante) curated by Steffanie Hessler and Kathrine



27.8 -23.1o Skogen, a group exhibition curated by Helga Marie Nordby for Kongsvinger Kunstforening, featuring the multichannel sound installation  “Av skog er vi kommen” (2022) /


2.-31.7- Kunstø , Samsø, (DK)  “Jeg står opp med jordens mylder“, group exhibition curated by Maria Kjær Themsen, featuring the work “Offerings to the Voices of the Wind, the Sea and the Land (2020)” + 15th of July : The initiation ceremony of the work at Kunstø, “Ode til havet, landet og vindene“, guest with Anja Øyen Vister.


3.2-30.4 “Multispecies Imaginaries: The Art of Living in a Contingent, Uncertain World“, group exhibition curated by Christian Alonso, Pluriversal Radio (akcg, Mirko Nicolic, Elin Már Øyen Vister), La Capella, Barcelona (ES)


1.februar, Nordlysfestivalen, digital deltakelse i samtale om “Kunsten og bærekraften”

20.-30.01 Language is migrant. Colomboscope Contemporary Art festival, Columbo (LK), curated by Anuskha Rajendran and Natasha Ginwala feat. Soundscape Røst – The Listening Lounge (2012) and Soundscape Røst – Soundscape Mannar; a new  sound work commissioned by “A Thousand Channels and supported by Office of Contemporary Art Norway. (Collaborators soon to be announced)



04.09.-09.10.2021  Soundscape Røst 2010-2020, the 10th-anniversary exhibition at Lydgalleriet, Bergen, NO. including the new multichannel work Vedøya – a lament to the bird mountain who lost its voice, mixed in surround at Lydgalleriets 8+1 speakersystem built by Paal Rasmussen.


28.08 -3o.10 Røster, vises på gruppeutstillingen “The Ocean”, kuratert av Axel Wieder + performance “A love letter to lille Lungårdsvannet”


11-13. + 15.09.2021: Radio Hopes and Dreams presents: Sonic waves for a social just ecological transition. In collaboration with Lydgalleriet, Bergen Kunsthall and Wave Farm Radio, and with artists Amber Ablett and Vikram Kolmannskog, Elin Már Øyen Vister, Hanan Benammar, Magdaléna Manderlová, Margrethe Kolstad Brekke, Karen Werner/Sabine Popp mm. Streaming on Wave Farm


18.4: Open Forum, Antenna #3: Elin Már Øyen Vister, At 13.00, FM 90,5, Oslo (NO)


16.3: Simon Gripenberg in conversation with Elin Már for Nordic Culture point,(Nordisk Kulturkontakt) “The Forest Calls” (Skogen Kallar) talk series. Listen here



Release of the mini documentary  En Kunstners Livsprosjekt, by Tore Berntsen, The Røster.no series


“Songs of Solidarity – Lift Every Voice” is a collective playlist and sonic response to ´Actions of Art and Solidarity´, Office for Contemporary Art Norway’s upcoming exhibition at Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo, Norway, opening January 20th. The playlist was initiated by artist Elin Már Øyen Vister aka DJ Sunshine. A complete list of contributors and songs chosen can be found on OCA’s website.



© 2021 Elin Már Øyen Vister